Course Name:
California Couse: DC vs PT Outcomes, Chiropractic Physiology, MRI Basics & Making Documentation Easy

Chiropractic CE: 12 Hours
Medical CME: 12 Hours

DC vs. PT Outcomes, Chiropractic Physiology, MRI Basics & Making Documentation Easy


12 CE Credits

Course Description: This course reviews the outcomes in spine care for chiropractic and physical therapy. It then discusses the physiology of why a chiropractic spinal adjustment renders better outcomes than physical therapy or medicine for mechanical spine diagnosis. This course also covers the basics of MRI spine interpretation, from sequence acquisition to disc pathologies.


Introduction - 2 Hours - Ethical Billing & Coding

Evidence-based trends in spinal care that deliver consistently superior outcomes vs. non-chiropractic specialty for mechanical spine pain. The triage of mechanical spine pain and dispelling the non-specific back pain myth.

MRI Spine Interpretation - 2 Hours - Diagnostic Testing & Differential Diagnosis

MRI Slice sequence overview. Disc pathology definitions and visualization of herniation, bulge, protrusion, extrusion, and fragmentation.

Connective Tissue Pathology and Diagnosis – 2 Hours - Diagnostic Testing & Differential Diagnosis

Physiology and pathology of connective tissue as sequala from trauma. This covers microanatomy to gross pathology.

The Evidence for Primary Spine Care – 2 hours - History Taking & Examination

Chiropractic as the best-positioned expert for first-line diagnosis and treatment of mechanical spine care. The evidence in the literature shows outcomes of chiropractic vs. physical therapy vs. medicine and debunking the non-specific back pain myth based on the evidence in the literature.

Making Documentation Easy & Compliant – 2 Hours - Ethical Billing & Coding

Reviewing 99202-99203-99204-99205 parameters and ensuring compliant documentation to match CPT coding. Streamlining documentation without cutting corners.

Ethical Documentation in Collaborative Cases – 2 Hours - History Taking & Examination

Demonstrative documentation of each pain generator to ensure an accurate diagnosis. The collaboration of cases with medical cases when clinically indicated.

Objective: For the student to be able to formulate a care plan and triage the injured and chronic pain patient based on clinical and imaging results.

FEE: $199

The doctors' CV's can be found by clicking on "Faculty" on the top toolbar.

Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, Chiropractor

Note: There is no financial relationship with any outside vendor for services, goods or supplies.

Troubleshooting Suggestions:

This course is supported by PC's and Mac's, however if it won't open a PC is more stable

1.  Minimum 20mbs download speed

2.  Firefox Browser preferrable

3.  Do NOT to use a mobile device. It is not allowable and not ideal for learning. 

*Due to the amount of information being downloaded, a computer manufactured in 2014 or beyond is strongly recommended.

Price: $199.00Buy Now!